Hi, my name is Carolyn, I am a ceramic sculpture artist based in Shropshire UK.
I have always loved art (my top subject at school) and was a typical blue peter kid with toilet rolls and bottles. But my main love as a kid was sculpting with playdoh and coloured salt dough my mother made me. At 13 my art teacher said mycharcoall freeze drawing was o level quality and I should go to London art college. This never happened and had no encouragement from home.
I ‘found’ clay as I call it at the local college in the late ’90s where the tutors advised that I should go to Wolverhampton university and study ceramics. This advice I listened to but as I’ve also always loved computers and technology I decided to do a joint degree in Computer Science and Ceramics. During my time at University, I offered to demonstrate at Coalport China Museum which very quickly led to a job share with another demonstrator. After uni, I went into IT and my art was more of a hobby except for my odd shifts at Coalport which I still do today.
My flower people came about one evening in November of 2013 by mistake. I shared one on social media and half of my friends wanted to buy one. So I created a Facebook page for them and they have been evolving ever since. I make them in the evening and have several stockists around the world.
I dream of having my shop where I make and sell my art (not just flower people) and also run classes. I would like to create a sort of drop-in center where folk can turn up, have a play with clay, I teach them my skills, and sort of push it as an art therapy center. I did run classes at Coalport years ago and they were very successful with members saying how relaxed and de-stressed they felt during and after the class. They all couldn’t wait for a Thursday night! I get this and believe art is a great way to distress.
Also, I have two sons 17 and 25 whom I proudly brought up alone. Very well I might add. I still work as a freelancer in digital marketing, and this art malarky is my kind of therapy. Welcome to my world of flower people. “Flower to the People!”